A potential employer asked me to code up a quick Android application as a challenge. I enjoyed doing it, but in the course of building it I discovered, surprisingly, that “image loading” spinner art was not just a simple web search away – or, at least, I wasn’t able to find any easily. Sure, I could pay for one – but why would I do that? Instead, I quickly cranked out something by hand, so I could submit the application. However, I thought to myself that as soon as I had a moment, I should write a quick script to generate a pretty spinner (prettier than I did by hand, that’s for sure.) Here’s the script:
#! /usr/bin/python
import math
from PIL import Image
def makeSpinner(filename, size, thickness):
"""Make a spinner image. A square image of size x size will be allocated.
The spinner will be contained in a ring with an outer diameter of size
and an inner diameter of size-thickness."""
image = Image.new('RGBA', (size,size), 0)
center = int(size / 2.0)
radius = int(size / 2.0)
angle = 0.0
anglestep = math.atan(0.5 / radius) * (180.0 / math.pi)
while angle < 360.0:
bright = int(255 * (1.0 - angle/360.0))
color = (bright, bright, bright, 255)
angle_radians = math.pi * angle/180.0
for r in range(radius-thickness, radius):
x = round(center + r * math.cos(angle_radians))
y = round(center - r * math.sin(angle_radians))
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coordinate = (int(x), int(y))
#print coordinate, color
image.putpixel(coordinate, color)
angle += anglestep
image.save(filename + '.png', 'PNG')
# Make the spinners for the application.
makeSpinner('ic_progress', 128, 16)
makeSpinner('ic_progress_small', 64, 8)
And here are the outputs of this script. I think they look pretty nice (although the one part that doesn’t show well here is the transparency):
This is just another example of how, right out of the box, with all its libraries, Python is a fantastic and versatile tool. I particularly like the ability to so easily generate and manipulate images! The whole project, including the script shown above, can be found here, on my github page.